LovLan - Online Language Tutors

LovLan Privacy Policy

The privacy of your personal information is as important to us as it is to you. We have created this privacy policy to be transparent about how we gather and use your data in the interest of offering our customers the best possible service. We are dedicated to providing the most positive and best value-for-money service we can offer while ensuring your privacy remains securely protected.


LovLan is a subsidiary business of parent company, Language Trainers Corporation (“Language Trainers”). This Privacy Policy articulates the data collection, usage, and sharing practices of Language Trainers. If you have any requests regarding your personal data or any queries about these practices, please contact our Privacy Officer:
[email protected]

Our site contains links to third-party sites, which are not subject to this privacy policy. Language Trainers does not sanction and is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these sites. We recommend that you read the privacy policy of all the sites you visit to understand how your data is being collected, used, and shared.

Data you have provided may be requested by any of our websites under the Language Trainers brand, or by one of our reputable co-marketing partner sites under their company and/or brand name. We encourage you to revisit this Privacy Policy periodically, as we reserve the right to change it at any time.

Data Collection

Personal data (“Data”) is collected by Language Trainers. We collect personally identifiable information about you through:

  • Student and teacher profiles
  • The use of inquiry forms
  • The purchase process when you book lessons
  • The provision of your details to us either online or offline

Personal Data that we collect includes:

  • First and last name
  • Your image (photo, video)
  • Date of birth
  • Occupation
  • Employer
  • Home address
  • Landline phone number
  • Mobile telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • IP address and browser information
  • Payment details, such as credit card information
  • Website behavior patterns and other marketing data

Occasionally, we may permit third-party companies to set cookies on Language Trainers’ sites for revenue tracking, market research, or to improve site functionality.

You are free to set your web browser to not accept cookies, thereby opting out of sharing Data we can use to improve our site, services, user experience, and marketing strategies. Additional information on how to stop cookies from being stored on your computer can be found at:

Data Transmission

The Internet is a global and using it necessitates the international transmission of Data. When we collect your Data on our website, we comply with the US-EU Safe Harbor Framework, as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data from the European Union.

Data Usage & Disclosure

We use your Data for marketing and research purposes, including:

  • Arranging deals, promotions, and giveaways
  • Creating demographic profiles of site users
  • Determining interest in our website and services
  • Processing enrollments, purchases, and inquiries
  • Providing a personalized service and website experience
  • Resolving disputes and troubleshooting issues
  • Undertaking surveys

We do not share your Data with external parties except:

  1. When it is required to complete your profile registration or to provide services where the outside party is acting on our behalf and has no independent right to use the information we provide;
  2. In accordance with legal and regulatory requirements;
  3. With successors in title to our business;
  4. In Language Trainers’ sole discretion to safeguard the rights, safety, and property of Language Trainers, users of our websites, and the public.

Other than as set out above, we will notify you when your Data will be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to accept.


Data We also use aggregate data (where no individual user is identified):

  • To audit the site and its usage
  • To create marketing profiles
  • To support strategic development

Cookies Policy

A cookie is a small data file which is stored in your computer’s hard drive by the web server, enabling the website to “remember” who you are and how you have interacted with it. We use cookies to tailor our site and services to your preferences. This information may include your demographic information, behaviors on our website, your computer’s IP address and other hardware and software information, and records of how you arrived at our site. If you have an active profile on our website that requires verification to access, the cookies may include your name and email address.

We use the information stored in cookies for marketing and research purposes, including:

  • Creating demographic profiles
  • Identifying returning users, students and teachers
  • Improving user experience on the site
  • Tracking user behavior to understand how we can improve our site and services

Occasionally, we may permit third-party companies to set cookies on Language Trainers’ sites for revenue tracking, market research, or to improve site functionality.

You can set your web browser to not accept cookies if you prefer. Further information on how to stop cookies from being saved to your computer is available at:


Language Trainers has measures in place to safeguard our users’ Data against unauthorized access or use, accidental loss, and illegal or unintentional destruction or alteration. While we make reasonable efforts to protect your Data from loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties, there is always some risk when transmitting information over the Internet. And there is also an ever-present risk that unscrupulous persons can find means to thwart our procedures.

How to Access Your Data

You can request a copy or send a correction of the personal data we hold about you by contacting our Privacy Officer:
[email protected]

We may charge the allowable fee under applicable law for provision of this information.


This site is not intended for use by persons under thirteen (13) years of age. We do not intentionally collect any information on children under 13 years of age. We will undertake to delete any information of such users where a parent or guardian has notified us that any such data has been obtained.

Policy Updates and Alterations

This policy is effective from April 10, 2020. Occasionally, we may make updates or alterations to the Privacy Policy to reflect any changes to our privacy practices in accordance with changes in legislation, best practices, or website enhancements. We will notify you about important changes to this Privacy Policy by placing a prominent notice on our website or by sending an email to the address you provided to us.