ALSO SPEAKSEnglishChinese
Concerning teaching in school, I have started this year as a part-time Italian teacher for primary and secondary students. This experience is making me confident and more qualified for teaching job.
With this few words I will take the change to describe my beliefs about teaching. I believe that every student is special and brilliant in his own way; everyone has his own peculiarity so everyone needs exclusive motivations and attention. I also think that it is essential to build and find a connection on a human level with each of them, to give the student confidence, hope and positiveness. Transmit the passion for what they are studying is key. Aim to move from the concept "I have to know" or "I have to study it" to “I want to know", "I want to study it", encouraging curiosity and development. Another essential point is the respect for diversity and for the fragilities that all of us have. Mutual respect for different points of view, which is the key for a constructive dialogue.
Part-time Teaching Italian language to primary and secondary school children.
- MASTER'S DEGREE IN MOLECULAR AND APPLIED BIOLOGY Obtained at Università Politecnica Delle Marche, Faculty of Sciences, Ancona, Italy.
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