5 Korean Games to Boost Your Language Skills

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Learning a new language can be an exciting journey but, when you learn a language as challenging as Korean, it is very important to look for ways to keep it fun and engaging. Korean games are one of the best ways to break up the monotony of language learning and incorporate new words, concepts and abilities while having a good time with a partner or a friend.

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Here are three reasons why you should consider bringing some fun into your Korean learning process:

  1. Learning through games decreases anxiety levels: Games are an effective way to learn because they offer a relaxed atmosphere in which learners can test out their knowledge and develop confidence.
  2. Games help with memorization: Memory games, like matching or concentration, can be used to match words and phrases with images or audio clips. This helps learners both remember the new information and develop their recognition skills for future use.
  3. Meaningful learning is more memorable: Games can help make the learning process more meaningful by providing learners with contexts in which to use what they learn. Playing games also helps learners develop an emotional connection with the words and concepts, making them easier to recall later on.

Now that you know why playing Korean games is a great way to boost your language skills, here are five Korean games you should definitely try out!

1. 끝말잇기 – Kkeutmal-isgi  (Last Letter Game)

끝말잇기, also known as the Last Letter Game, is a popular word chain game in Korea.

The rules are simple: players take turns saying a word, and the next player has to say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if the first player says “사과” (apple), the next player can say “아이스크림” (ice cream).

The first player who can’t think of any more words or says a word that doesn’t begin with the last letter of the previous word loses. Which doesn’t mean they can’t ask for a chance to redeem themselves with a second round!

Language benefits of the Last Letter Game

  • Expands vocabulary: Playing 끝말잇기 allows you to learn new Korean words and reinforce your existing vocabulary.
  • Enhances word association: You’ll improve your ability to quickly think of words that start with a specific letter, which is helpful for building fluency.
  • Improves pronunciation and listening skills: Paying attention to the words spoken by other players will help you practice your listening skills and become aware of common errors.

2. 한글 그림퀴즈 – hangeul geulimkwijeu (Korean Pictionary)

한글 그림퀴즈, or Korean Pictionary, is a fun game that combines drawing and guessing. The game involves one person choosing a word from different categories (animals, food, weather, etc.), drawing it on the board without including any letters or words, and then having other players guess what they drew. All of this, while the clock is ticking!

At the end of the game, the winner is the team or person that has guessed the most words correctly.

Image via Pexels


The language benefits of Korean Pictionary

  • Recycles old vocabulary: Just as if you were scanning your brain, Korean Pictionary encourages you to think of every word or phrase that can be related to the image.
  • Boosts visual and contextual understanding: As you observe the drawings and make connections to the words, you enhance your understanding of the Korean language, especially if your language learning style is predominantly visual.

3. Raon (Korean Scrabble)

Raon is a Korean version of the popular game Scrabble. It uses Korean Hangul letters, and the rules are similar to standard Scrabble. You are given seven tiles with different letters and then have to create words on the board with your tiles and get points.

You can’t find the official board game? Don’t worry! Like most Korean games in this list, it can be made at home with materials like paper, pen… and a timer!

The language benefits of Raon:

  • Cements learners’ vocabulary: Playing Raon challenges you to come up with Korean words that thought you had forgotten, but also newly acquired words that may be lost if you don’t use them enough.
  • Reinforces spelling and grammar: By constructing words correctly and following Korean spelling rules, you’ll reinforce your understanding of Korean grammar.

4. Hangul Game from EasyKorean

Hangul is the Korean alphabet, and learning to read and write it is an essential step in learning the Korean language. The process of learning a different writing system sounds a bit daunting. But it doesn’t have to be.

EasyKorean is an online platform that offers a number of Korean games for beginners. The Hangul Game is an interactive chart where you have to match each Hangul symbol with its corresponding pronunciation. As you can imagine, the game will help you familiarize yourself with Hangul characters and their sounds much more effectively than if you were to study from a plain table in a textbook!

The language benefits of the Hangul Game:

  • Enhances phonetic awareness: The Hangul Game allows you to practice recognizing and associating Hangul symbols with their correct pronunciation. This is a big step towards Korean, mastery as it gives you the tools to read and write Korean accurately.
  • Improves reading skills: As you engage with Hangul characters and their pronunciation, you’ll enhance your reading fluency in Korean.

5. Korean Karaoke

We couldn’t possibly do a list of Korean games and not include some singing!

K-Pop is an incredibly popular genre of music, and singing along to your favorite songs is a great way to practice your Korean skills.

All you have to do is find a friend or a group of friends who share an interest in Korean music, look for sing-along versions of your favorite Korean songs on YouTube, and grab the mic. The challenge is not only to keep up with the fast-paced verses and catchy choruses but also to stay in tune while you are at it!

Image via Pexels


While Korean Karaoke doesn’t need to be competitive to be fun, if your group is up for it, why not make it a competition and see who can sing the best, or who gets less tongue-tied while singing the same songs?

The language benefits of Korean Karaoke

  • Improves pronunciation and intonation: Singing along to K-Pop songs helps you practice your Korean pronunciation and intonation, as you try to match the original artist’s delivery.
  • Expands vocabulary and idiomatic expressions: K-Pop songs often contain unique phrases, idioms, and slang, exposing you to new vocabulary and colloquial expressions in Korean.
  • Enhances listening skills: By actively listening to K-Pop songs and deciphering the lyrics, you’ll sharpen your listening comprehension skills in Korean.

Incorporating these Korean games into your language-learning journey can provide a dynamic and interactive way to practice vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, and cultural understanding.

They offer an enjoyable and engaging approach to language learning, making your progress in Korean both fun and effective.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the world of Korean games and watch your language skills flourish while having a great time with friends or fellow language learners. Explore the diverse Korean gaming culture, dive into the vibrant K-Pop scene, and enjoy the journey of mastering the Korean language through play.

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If you’re looking to go beyond Korean games and want to work on specific aspects of the language, consider seeking out Korean language courses or language exchange opportunities to further enhance your Korean language skills. Learning Korean can be a rewarding and enriching experience, and with the right combination of games and structured learning, you’ll be well on your way to becoming fluent in Korean.

Of course, you don’t have to do everything on your own. At LovLan, we have a vast directory of native Korean tutors who use innovative resources (from music videos to, yes… Korean games!) to create truly immersive language learning experiences. So, if you’re looking for someone to help guide you on your journey to Korean fluency, you’ve come to the right place. Explore our tutors’ profiles and find the right fit for you today!